Did you complete this application during the first application window in January? *
Is there an ADDITIONAL child in your household applying for VPK? *
For 3 or more, email pascovpk@pasco.k12.fl.us with additional name(s) and date(s) of birth, and a copy of the additional VPK Certificate(s) of Eligibility/COE(s).
Please download the VPK Certificate(s) of Eligibility (COE) from your elcph.org Family Portal (see example below). Take note of the file name and save location for easy uploading in the next step.
See example above. If you have a COE from another county, you must reach out to the issuing county to transfer it to elcph.org.
Is either parent/guardian a Pasco County Schools employee? *
Have you submitted an application for Head Start? *
Does your child have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a suspected disability? *
Please type YES if there is already an IEP in place, and UNSURE if there is a suspected disability. In either case, please also state the disability.
Select your preference for VPK services. *
Full day requires weekly payment regardless of attendance status.
Please enter the name of the parent filling out the form.
Please enter the child's home address.
Receipt will be sent to this email address.