Please complete a form for each resource you reviewed to capture your rubric scores.
Please identify the course or grade of the materials you are reviewing here.
Please identify the vendor/publisher of the materials you are reviewing here.
Please rank the criterion below based on the following descriptions: Meet all non-negotiable criteria and meet all other indicators of superior quality. (Meets) Meets all non-negotiable criteria and meets most required indicators of superior quality. Some indicators of superior quality are not met. (Partially Meets) Does not meet all non-negotiable criteria or most of the indicators of superior quality. (Does NOT Meet)
Criterion 1. Build Knowledge through High Quality Materials (Non-Negotiable 1): Materials must reflect the building of knowledge and vocabulary through the Science Standards, be coherent, and provide natural connections to other performance expectations including scientific practices and big ideas.
Criterion 2. Instruction (Non-Negotiable 2) Each courses' instructional materials must reflect the alignment with the state’s standards, benchmarks and clarifications for subject, grade level and learning outcomes.
Criterion 3. Learning Progression (Non-Negotiable 3) Materials are coherent and provide natural connections to other performance expectations including scientific practices and big ideas as identified by FLDOE.
Criterion 4. Supports for ALL Students Materials provide teachers with guidance to build their own knowledge and to give all students extensive opportunities and support to explore key concepts using multiple, varied experiences to build scientific thinking.
Criterion 5. Resource organization and usability Materials are easily accessible, promote safety in the science classroom, and are viable for implementation given the length of a school year.
Criterion 6. Assessments Materials offer assessment opportunities that genuinely measure progress and elicit direct, observable evidence of the degree to which students can independently demonstrate the assessed standards.
Criterion 7. Community Resources
Based on all of the criteria, please rate the resource overall.