Parent/Guardian Telemedicine Appointment Request

Parent/Guardian Telemedicine Appointment Request

Pasco County Schools, in collaboration with Premier Community Health (hereinafter, Premier), is providing your child an opportunity to participate in a Telemedicine visit with a Premier medical provider. In order for Pasco County Schools to assist with and initiate this opportunity, we need your parental consent in accordance with the Parents’ Bill of Rights (Ch. 1014, F.S.) and FERPA (20 U.S.C. 1232g). If consent is provided, Premier will be reaching out to you to schedule the visit and obtain the necessary insurance and medical information needed, along with their own consent to provide services. Pasco County Schools will not be able to view any of the information that you provide to Premier. The consent, below, allows Pasco County Schools to initiate this referral opportunity and to share the information in this consent form with Premier.